If solely doing good is supposed to give you a sense of accomplishment and purpose, then why does the occasional wee devilish act bring a more potent jolt of excitement, and possibly more satisfaction? I would truly appreciate someone explaining that to me.
True, the release from following rules that are preset for us can be liberating. Who the heck made the rules, anyway? Why do they become so stifling to adhere to (alright, not all, but some)?
I will not be so impetuous as to claim that human nature is to be bad, after all. I am beginning to believe, though, that part of what is innate to human nature (when we provide it with the proper tools) is the infinite questioning, the never ending pilgrimage towards truths. I am also beginning to believe that those truths have to stem first from one's awareness, to become law, to guide rules.
Perhaps our nature does not seek to be either good or bad, but simply seeks to be true to itself.
What a surprise.
That still does not account for the guilt that may sometimes result from being a very, very naughty. Sure, sure-- very naughty by my standards. Don't show off.
That's a discussion for another day, I guess.